Category Archives: RM History

Brandon Pindell of Rollmaster headshot

The Road to RollMaster: Brandon Pindell

Before joining the RollMaster team, I worked in the flooring industry for nearly a decade. My flooring journey began at Empire Carpet. I started out in their now non-existent home improvement division, then became a Training Manager for their warehouse using their proprietary software. Discovering Which Software Works After leaving Empire Carpet, I worked myRead More

Rollmaster team group photo

Thank You To Our Partners And Staff For An Excellent Year

As 2019 comes to a close and we celebrate so much to be thankful for, the RollMaster leadership team would like to extend a message of appreciation for not only RollMaster Flooring Software users, but to our amazing staff who make it all possible. “I have great appreciation and pride for what our team doesRead More

Rollmaster analytics screenshot on dual desktop screens

2019 In Review

This year brought many changes that have made RollMaster Flooring Business Software even better heading into 2020. We pride ourselves on being able to meet the needs of our customers and making it easier to run and grow their flooring businesses. We’re dedicated to taking your recommendations for the functionality of RollMaster Software, you canRead More

Woman browsing flooring samples

A RollMaster Partnership Of Decades

At RollMaster, we have a long history in the Flooring Technology industry. We started in the early 1980s, and have grown both our company and our software over more than 30 years. One major thing that has never changed is our steadfast commitment to our customers and our employees. Because RollMaster Flooring Software was builtRead More