How Do I Get More Floor Leads?

how do I get more floor leads? learn from RollMaster software experts

Now that the economy is reopening and people are preparing to save their pennies for things like travel and restaurants, the competition for flooring leads is about to explode. With competition on the rise it’s more important than ever to generate a high number of floor leads, because the more leads you can generate, the more sales your business will get. Our flooring industry experts agree: the best way to get more flooring leads is to grow your business’s digital presence. From there you need to seal the deal, and impress your clients to have them sing your praises to their friends and shop with you again in the future. 

This page will dig into the following topics to help you grow your business in this competitive market:

  1. Bring In New Customers With Your Digital Reputation
  2. Seal The Deal With Accurate Estimates
  3. Keeping Flooring Leads Happy: Relationship Building

Flooring Leads: Bring In New Customers With Your Digital Reputation

grow flooring leads by finding your clients online

How do I get more floor leads? By drawing in your customers while they shop online. The days of shopping by driving from one flooring store to another are long gone. Now most customers want to check out a business online before they even consider buying. This means you need to have a sterling reputation online!

Online shoppers need a modern website and social signals

When a customer is shopping for nearly anything online (and this includes flooring!) they look for two major things:

  1. A website with detailed, up to date information on their potential purchase.
  2. Social signals that tell them this business is trustworthy. 

Neither of these things are easy to grow overnight but they are the key to getting more flooring leads. Your website the tool for getting those leads (it has your contact information!) and reviews help to cement your business as the best possible choice for customers. Here’s what we recommend:

Grow Your Presence And Leads With A Flooring Dealer Website

Can your flooring customers find you online?

Having an up to date website allows your business to be “on” 24/7. Your clients may be shopping online at any time and your website is their easiest connection to your business. A good flooring business website should give the users information on your business, your products and services, and should help to build trust with your business. 

There are many flooring-centric website building companies that are excellent at creating websites for flooring dealers.

Any of these businesses can work with you to create the perfect website to grow your business. From there you need to work on your digital reputation.

What do positive reviews do for your flooring business?

build trust with flooring leads by showing off positive reviews

Positive reviews act as the reassurance new customers need to trust your business. With positive reviews that are shown off on your website or separately on review sites, customers learn how great your business is from your actual customers. The more positive reviews that a new customer can read, the easier it is for them to build trust with your business before they contact you. 

But, getting those reviews isn’t always easy. To help we’ve created a tool that makes it easier for flooring businesses to find new flooring leads by leveraging their current customers for great reviews. With RM5Star, you’ll be able to manage your online reputation and encourage customers to leave positive reviews, all seamlessly linked with the rest of your RollMaster Software System.

With positive reviews about your business you’ll be able to:

  • Prove your business’s quality and build trust with potential clients.
  • Show off the best of your work on your website as well as review sites.
  • Showcase the selling points of your business, bringing them in the door. 

How To Get More Flooring Jobs? Seal The Deal With Accurate Estimates

accurate estimates help you land flooring leads

When you’ve got the client in the door, you need to present them with professional materials to prove your business is the best fit for the job. When you’re competing with other businesses for flooring jobs, the faster you’re able to give a professional presentation of your estimate the better. 

With RollMaster combined with MeasureSquare Cloud, you can create a detailed and precise estimate in no time. It is intuitive, easy to use, and with online guides you’ll be able to make it through any job process. 

Impress prospects with these benefits:

  • Fast and accurate flooring takeoff estimate meeting their tight deadlines.
  • Easily refigure product changes at any stage, proving your flexibility and customer service.
  • Impress clients with a 3D view of their space, and solidify your accurate measurements.

Keeping Flooring Leads Happy: Relationship Building

relationship building boosts your business

Once a customer comes to you for flooring, you have the opportunity to grow a longer term relationship with them. Great relationship building requires two things: communication and remembering details about the client. With great relationship building you not only let your customer know that you care, you also stand out as a great business to work with. This is helpful not only in retaining these customers for future purchases, but helps them to like your business enough to leave you that glowing review that helps you get even more flooring leads. 

RollMaster makes it easy by helping you communicate with your client, and keeping notes and data stored in your core RollMaster system. With RM Text Alert your business is able to easily send text messages to stay in contact and solve problems before they upset your client. This helps you provide quick customer service, and has other benefits like avoiding cancellations, and reminding clients for reviews down the line. 

Are you ready to see how RollMaster can bring your business to new heights? Sign up for our demonstration today!

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