Monthly Archives: July 2012

RollMaster Flooring Business Software offers a Vertical Cloud for the Flooring Enterprise

RollMaster Flooring Business Software offers a Vertical Cloud for the Flooring Enterprise.  The RollMaster cloud is widely recognized as a flooring business technology game changer, yet its potential for driving business innovation remains in its infancy.  Cost flexibility is a key reason many companies consider RollMaster cloud adoption in the first place. The majority of ourRead More

RollMaster Training Workshop – Seattle – September 18th -20th 2012

September 18-20th, 2012 in Seattle. The purpose of these workshops is education, feature familiarization, new feature introductions and to get client feature input. These workshops are conducted classroom style, with a qualified RollMaster trainer. Make Plans to Attend Our September Workshop in Seattle! Hotel Arrangements* /September 2012 Workshop: We have a special room rate ofRead More