Deborah (Debbie) has a degree in Business Administration from the University of New Orleans. Her flooring journey began when she went to work for Port Distributing Corp., a Gulf Coast flooring distribution company located in New Orleans. This is where she met Dev who was developing RollMaster Software. In her various operational positions with the company, Debbie used and implemented the software as it was being developed, so she knows RollMaster from the ground up.
When the decision was made to market RollMaster, Debbie traveled, trained and helped clients implement the core system, including analyzing business processes and helping clients develop processes that maximized the benefits of the integrated accounting features. As the company grew, Debbie was instrumental in training new employees on the system as well as performing administrative functions in her role as Vice President of Administration.
Debbie is a proud mother and grandmother, as well as a huge sports fan, especially when it comes to watching her grandchildren, LSU, and the Saints.
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